Welcome to Sparkle!

"Sparkle!" is a blog especially for all ALG's. "What is 'ALG'?" you ask? Well, that stands for "Adult Little Girl." This is a person who loves all things associated with being a little girl ... innocence, gentleness, playfulness ... anything you may associate with them. The ALG feels that they have a female child personality that is part of them, whether they are biologically male or female and no matter what age they are. Often they may dress as their personality dictates, act as it dictates, and feel as it dictates.

This blog is not adult in nature and commentors are asked to keep this in mind. You will not find nudity or sexually themed content here, so if that is what you are looking for you should go elsewhere.

What you will find here are fun activities and light-hearted links, fashion updates from the world of little girl, and personal views of things that relate to our "community" in general.

I hope you enjoy the blog, and your comments are welcome.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday: Fashion Column

Each day we will have a different feature here at Sparkle. Saturday will be dedicated to fashion. As should be expected, young girl fashion style is what will be in the spotlight.

My favorite style is the pettiskirt. That puts me in some interesting company. The pettiskirt first really started to gain popularity when Dakota Fanning wore one to the 2003 Teen Choice Awards, and she appeared in People Magazine wearing one. From the point, hundreds of orders for them poured in to Kandi Lightner, the designer. Eventually the business became known as Kaiya Eve. Here is a page all about Kandi Lightner, with some pictures of famous little firls in her skirts: http://www.kaiyaeve.com/designer/

Another young fashionista who loves the pettiskirt is Emily Grace Reaves (picture in this post). If you don't recognize the name - one day you will. She is the cousin of Miley Cyrus, BFF to Noah Cyrus (Miley's little sister), and gained fame by playing Cindy Lou in the Hannah Montana Movie. Emily has recently collaborated with "Ooh! La La! Couture" to produce her own line of dresses and skirts - many styled after the pettiskirt. Much of this is to lend awareness to her charity foundation, Lollipops and Rainbows.

Emily's Line of Clothes: http://www.prlog.org/10351802-ooh-la-la-couture-presents-the-emily-grace-collection-by-disney-actress-emily-grace-reaves.html

Emily's Foundation: http://www.lollipopsandrainbows.com

Emily's own site: http://www.emilygracereaves.com

Note: Many false reports were circulated when someone started a false rumor that Emily and Noah Cyrus had designed a line of lingerie for children. This was patently untrue and ridiculous. "Sparkle" disavows any part to this circulated false rumor.

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