Welcome to Sparkle!

"Sparkle!" is a blog especially for all ALG's. "What is 'ALG'?" you ask? Well, that stands for "Adult Little Girl." This is a person who loves all things associated with being a little girl ... innocence, gentleness, playfulness ... anything you may associate with them. The ALG feels that they have a female child personality that is part of them, whether they are biologically male or female and no matter what age they are. Often they may dress as their personality dictates, act as it dictates, and feel as it dictates.

This blog is not adult in nature and commentors are asked to keep this in mind. You will not find nudity or sexually themed content here, so if that is what you are looking for you should go elsewhere.

What you will find here are fun activities and light-hearted links, fashion updates from the world of little girl, and personal views of things that relate to our "community" in general.

I hope you enjoy the blog, and your comments are welcome.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent Calendar, Day 1!

It's here, it's here!   :: Giggle ::  Now if I can just stay disciplined enough (no.... not THAT kind of discipline.... put the hairbrush down please....) to post every day til Christmas!  :-)   Check here daily for a new post with something... an image, or a game, a story, or something of the like.  :-)

Sorry about the writing on this... it is as clear as I could get it. This is an old Sears Christmas Catalog page. Now, I remember getting the catalog when we were kids, and looking at all the toys, but they weren't like this. Actually, I'm a little disgusted, but maybe little girls LIKED these type of toys then? It's all about cooking and cleaning and sewing and taking care of babies. Would you really want all your play to be about the work you'll have to do when you grow up? So, I'm kinda happy not to be living back then ... although the toy stove, the beauty set, or the Dolly Dear family would not be a bad gift for me right now.  Hint, hint.  :: Giggle ::

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! You started your calender. Wonderful!
    Yes it seems Sears were very much into selling the domestic woman's lot to girls way back then with not one playtime toy.
    I like the girls draw sets complete with mirror.
    Regards Joanne
